Center for Integrative Neurodevelopment
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Neuropsychological & Learning Evaluations

Evaluations often provide critical information that is necessary for the planning of effective educational and psychological treatment.  Dr. Carbone’s assessments include clinical and neurobehavioral observation, play-based social skill interviews (with children), and standardized cognitive, academic, and personality tests.  Neuropsychological and educational evaluations typically assess the following areas:

  • attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity;
  • sensory and motor skills, 
  • verbal and visual memory;
  • executive functioning;
  • anxiety and mood;
  • personality style; 
  • reading, mathematics, and written language skills; 
  • adaptive functioning or daily living skills; and
  • nonverbal and social problem-solving.

Evaluations Can Help Identify...

Emotional and behavioral challenges impeding growth and learning.

Cognitive difficulties including attention, memory and executive functions, language, and problem-solving.

Learning, personality, and community factors which can inform the selection of intervention strategies.

Evaluation Method

The evaluation method is comprehensive, and includes three main phases. Evaluations typically require 14-20 hours of time including interview, record review, test administration, scoring, report writing and feedback. From start to finish, evaluations can take 3-8 weeks to complete depending upon the referral questions and individual circumstances.


Phase One:  Interview

During the 1-2 hour interview session, Dr. Carbone will sit down with clients to review  background information. This includes educational, medical, and social background, as well as  family history. If necessary, interviews may be conducted with other individuals who are already working with you, such as a psychiatrist, therapist, or teacher.


Phase Two:  Test Administration (Standardized And Neurobehavioral Assessments)

Standardized testing occurs over the course of 1-3 sessions and is carefully customized to fit  the referral questions. Dr. Carbone works one-on-one with clients to administer cognitive, psychological. and academic tests, which may address areas including attention, memory,  reading, executive functioning, and personality functioning.  During this phase, qualitative assessment procedures such as neurobehavioral examination, clinical observation, and play-based social skill interviews may also be conducted. 

It is important for families to note that while standardized tests follow a standardized process, you cannot reduce functioning to a simple set of scores.  This is why Dr. Carbone chooses to conduct all testing herself rather than utilizing a psychometrician.  By administering all tests, Dr. Carbone can gather additional information about aspects of behavior and personality which may have an impact on the outcome of the test results and recommendations for interventions.  


Phase Three:  Feedback

During the final assessment phase (feedback session), Dr. Carbone will present the findings in verbal and/or written formats. Depending on the complexity of the findings, this phase may be conducted over several sessions.  A written report that contains test results is often also provided if information is needed for school and treatment planning. 

Contact the Center for Integrative Neurodevelopment

 Please complete the contact form to the right to learn more about assessment, therapy, and educational services.

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