Center for Integrative Neurodevelopment
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Child & Adult Therapy Services

Therapy services and psychoeducational groups are offered  to assist children, college students, and adults in overcoming challenges related to attention, learning,  social, and emotional difficulties.  Parenting support is also provided to assist parents in learning skills to address concerns related to parenting children with anxiety and neurodevelopmental disorders. Services are provided online in both California and Illinois. Some intervention services are provided in-person in the Los Angeles area.

Therapy interventions are grounded in evidence-based methods and  involve learning via experiential activities, and remain rooted in principles of neuroscience, learning, and human development.   An individualized and tailored treatment plan is collaboratively developed with the patient and their family in order to provide education and learning opportunities to address their areas of need.  

Building Competencies Through Experiential Activities


Recognizing one’s emotions and values as well as one’s strengths and challenges.


Managing emotions and behaviors to achieve one’s goals.

Responsible Decision Making

Making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior.

Relationship Skills

Forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict.

Social Awareness

Showing understanding and empathy for others.


Using words to solve problems, strengthen relationships, and verbalize needs.

Teaching via experiential learning and supporting  clients in practicing and applying their newfound skills related to attention, memory, and task management.

Intervention Sessions

Working with individuals,  families, and educational teams in developing a welcoming home and school learning environment with sensible expectations.

positive mindset

Helping each child and adult work toward having a positive mindset regarding their perception of themselves, those around them, and their academic life.

Services for Children & Adolescents

Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy & ADHD Interventions

Individual therapy and ADHD intervention services are customized to fit the needs of children and their families. Each session incorporates mindfulness techniques, assistive technology tools, and integrates strategies from fields of neuropsychology, clinical psychology, and school psychology.  Sessions may be conducted online or in-person.  

Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy & ADHD Interventions

Individual therapy and ADHD intervention services are customized to fit the needs of children and their families. Each session incorporates mindfulness techniques, assistive technology tools, and integrates strategies from fields of neuropsychology, clinical psychology, and school psychology.  Sessions may be conducted online or in-person.  

Group Therapy

Group Educational and Communication Interventions

Experiential psycho-educational and communication groups are provided for children ages 7-14 to assist with developing social emotional skill building.  During  group  sessions, children will work on social skills such as making introductions, helping others, working together, respecting the opinions of others, empathizing with others, taking turns, accepting losing, and ending a conversation appropriately. These skills are learned from natural play, structured play, and even role-playing.


Cooking Therapy for Children & Parents

Cooking interventions inspire creativity, a flexible mindset, communication, and cooperation skills.  Through  hands-on activities in the kitchen with family children will build important life skills while bonding with parents and siblings. Through this experiential intervention, many children and young adults find healthy ways to connect, communicate, and repair aspects of relationships with family members in a playful and practical fashion.


Cooking Therapy for Children & Parents

Cooking interventions inspire creativity, a flexible mindset, communication, and cooperation skills.  Through  hands-on activities in the kitchen with family children will build important life skills while bonding with parents and siblings. Through this experiential intervention, many children and young adults find healthy ways to connect, communicate, and repair aspects of relationships with family members in a playful and practical fashion.

Services for Adults & Children

Individual Therapy

Therapy for Adults With ADHD & Anxiety

ADHD is a developmental condition that often persists into adulthood, and can impact educational, work, and family life.  ADHD  support and therapy can be critical for not only children, but also for young adults, work-professionals, and parents.   Many adults struggling with atttentional challenges also experience high levels of worry. Treatment is designed to provide encouragement, hand-on skills related to task management and organization, as well as other cognitive, behavioral and communication skills to assist  with creating a more relaxed, balanced, and productive life.  


Supporting Parents of Children with ADHD & anxiety 

Parents are often faced with deciding how much to push and how much to protect when their child is facing a learning, social, or behavioral challenge. Whether your child is transitioning to elementary school, middle school, or adulthood, Dr. Carbone is experienced in supporting parents via parent coaching interventions, including Parent Management Training (PMT) and Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE).

Dr. Carbone is trained in Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE), an evidence-based treatment developed by Dr. Eli Lebowtiz at the Yale Child Study Center. It is a parent-based treatment for children and adolescents with anxiety, OCD, and related problems: Separation anxiety, social anxiety, generalized anxiety, fears and phobia, panic disorder, and selective mutism. Parents learn new skills and tools to help their child overcome anxiety. The treatment focuses on changes that parents can make to their own behavior to assist in reducing their child’s anxiety. 

Contact the Center for Integrative Neurodevelopment

Please complete the contact form to the right to learn more about assessment, therapy, and educational services.

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